Values are one of the most important parts of an argument and argumentation. Values shape what we believe in and can help us gain adherence or give adherence to certain claims. A value is “a conception… of the desirable that influences the selection from available modes, means and ends of action.” (121)
It is important to keep in mind that everyone has different sets of values, some values will speak more to some people than others; which is why the desirability of a value is important to keep in mind especially when giving an argument in front of a certain audience. Similar to beliefs, values are personal, therefore they can be shared and related to the decision makers in an argument making the claim gain adherence, which is crucial in an argument.
Going back to the ideas of spheres and how they all have specific belief systems and that each sphere a person might be trying to reach will adhere to certain claims over others, well this is similar. Values are personal, and can get to other people just like examples and beliefs values speak to the audience and appeal to the ethos side of the argument. Value systems work in the same way as spheres, the values you share and use during an argument will either be accepted or denied because in reality they aren’t that legitimate to everyone, just like beliefs or examples from stories. This is why it is important to know your audience and who the decision makers are so you can target their value system and make an impact.
Values are the core of any argument and therefore it is essential that when a person argues they are able to clearly put their values on display for the opposing side to see. This can make the process of arguing simpler, if both parts understand what each other value, it can help the parts form their arguments in a way that will lead to a sufficient resolution. According to Rokeach, the majority of people have terminal values as their core part of the value system, these are values such as wealth, happiness and health. Most people will agree that the values such as the terminal ones are essential to living a quality life. Just like you stated, it is important to be aware of the type of audience one is speaking in front of and understand that not everyone share the same values, this goes to show that it is important to enter an argument with an open mindset. By doing this one will become a better listener which will enable you to understand the arguments and values the opposing side is putting on display.