In this chapter we talk about values. There are all sorts of values but something that also plays into values is ethics. Ethics are a huge part of society including politics. The book describes ethics as "the theory between right and wrong. It also says that ethics should define how we behave towards one another. It continues to say that decision makers should be protected from unethical arguers and that some unethical arguments is denying someone freedom of speech, to tell things you know not to be true, to be unfair to an opponent and more.
Over the years, there has been lots of ethic issues in politics such as Trump becoming president because of his ethics. A lot of people don't agree with his morals and personal ethics. He also didn't tell the truth many times and that made it unfair for his opponent.
Another one is the Kavanuagh case. This had tons of ethical issues in it. Like is Kavanaugh telling the truth about his past? Is telling the truth about his future? Will he be a man who abuses women? There is so much going on here that revolves around ethics. morals, and values. Some say that because Trump got away with his ethical issues that it is easier for others to do the same according to an article written by author in the San Francisco News.
The article talks about the California Governor being reelected. The governor was a businesses man who had sharing in liquor stores, strip clubs and more. Many say that it's unethical for a man with such "dirty" taste to be Governor. And that cause an issue with many people ethics, morals, and values. However, like mentioned before he states that he probably will win because of the low standards and examples Trump has set.
Therefore, has our society's and country's ethics, morals, and values gone down over the years?
Over the years, there has been lots of ethic issues in politics such as Trump becoming president because of his ethics. A lot of people don't agree with his morals and personal ethics. He also didn't tell the truth many times and that made it unfair for his opponent.
Another one is the Kavanuagh case. This had tons of ethical issues in it. Like is Kavanaugh telling the truth about his past? Is telling the truth about his future? Will he be a man who abuses women? There is so much going on here that revolves around ethics. morals, and values. Some say that because Trump got away with his ethical issues that it is easier for others to do the same according to an article written by author in the San Francisco News.
The article talks about the California Governor being reelected. The governor was a businesses man who had sharing in liquor stores, strip clubs and more. Many say that it's unethical for a man with such "dirty" taste to be Governor. And that cause an issue with many people ethics, morals, and values. However, like mentioned before he states that he probably will win because of the low standards and examples Trump has set.
Therefore, has our society's and country's ethics, morals, and values gone down over the years?
I think it is important to think about ethical issues regarding our politicians in this country, however I think it is more important to point out there unethical values rather than their unethical decisions. Although their poor decisions may reflect some of their values, it is crucial to identify their unethical values that are at the root of their actions. Since values are defined as the concepts of what is desirable that arguers use and decision makers understand, its most important to evaluate the unethical concepts that our politicians desire and what the voters or decision makers understand. Kavanaugh’s case showed his unethical actions in the past, however he has a clean track record up until this incident was brought up. Although his ethical values may have been poor when he made the decision to assault a woman, or when he may have lied in court, but there is no way to assess what is true and what is false. This was a clear representation of value hierarchies because of the way the decision makers evaluated the problem and concluded whether to elect him or not. Many decision makers were conflicted about his values, and how to grade the values in the given argument that he was presenting, and being attacked with. Overall, any ethical dilemma will have to be deeply analyzed to discover how rooted the problem is, and whether another arguer has to point out these unethical issues, especially with politicians which commonly happens through attack ads.