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Chapter 11

In chapter 11, the book shifts towards the topic of refutation by fallacy claims, which means when you state someone’s claim is factually wrong. All fallacies talked about in this chapter are important and seen in every argument. I think I witness a fallacy in the arguments I have daily with teammates about sports. After every claim made, someone tries to refute the argument because of false statements made, then the counterclaims tend to find its way into each and every argument. I think the counterclaims are the most important part in this section because it allows you to correct your fallacy in continue to strengthen your argument for your decision makers. In all honesty, rebuttals in general strengthens any argument because it makes you think your argument through. In addition to that, a counterclaim to a fallacy in an argument just strengthens it even more with correcting your fallacy with a new and improved claim with the right facts.


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